Burned (Transformer...
By Fanfic_Fanatic13
  • Fanfiction
  • autobots
  • burned
  • decepticons
  • fanfiction
  • megatron
  • prime
  • ratchet
  • tfp
  • transformers


"Let her pass." Megatron ordered his subordinates, holding up a hand to indicate they should hold their fire. Smokescreen's faceplates furrowed in confusion. What is going on? Does he know her? Dana slowed to a walk as she got closer, standing within Megatron's arm reach, looking up at the warlord. Her legs were shoulder-width apart, toes pointed outward, indicating that she was unafraid, or at the very least not timid. Her green eyes sparkled as she looked up, not breaking contact with the bright red of the enemy. "I was curious to see if you would be here." Megatron spoke to her, his body also in a more dominating position. Now, he could feel, was the time to intimidate. Here they were, face to face on common ground, neither wholly Decepticon or Autobot, with one of her friends at his mercy. I will make her fear me. "Glad to see I didn't disappoint." She replied, tilting her chin up a bit. "And here we are, on a battlefield more or less. Going to see how brave I am, Megatron?"


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Burned (T...
by Fanfic_Fanatic13