The Dusk Amber Digi...
By Loraphine
  • Fantasy
  • afro-asiatic
  • faerypunk
  • kem-asiatic
  • kemetic
  • poetic
  • poetic-prose
  • prose
  • steampunk


note: Your inquiries and impressions are valuable and welcome. 2nd note: I must warn you in advance; these glimpses of the archives which are transmitting from the 27th day December, in the year 2010, have not been verified by Panalou herself,and are only collected through Loreriding come of the ethers in her apothecary (as intuited and recorded by Aetherist Zoem). If you develop symptoms of fever, or find the story continuing itself in your REM-time without permission, please contact your local chapter of Cha for assistance. I cannot help with lore-acquired symptoms, and will not be held responsible for symptoms of Kem reemergence in your cell memory. I trust you will apply liberal amounts of gold salve to your anahata before continuing. Also, as the aethergraph has been on the fritz, only short segments of each archive can be made available as they are categorized and posted. -L.Plume

Archive transmission: The dusk amber digit

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The Dusk...
by Loraphine