Down The Rabbit Hol...
By Writer4Fiction
  • Fanfiction
  • ariana
  • crossover
  • franbow
  • sans
  • soul
  • underbow
  • underground
  • undertale
  • wattys2017
  • writer4fiction


When Fran and Mr. Midnight traveled to Ithersta everything was alright. Then Fran became curious. The 2nd Reality was Ithersta, the 3rd Reality was Earth, and the 5th Reality was Mabuka's Land, as Fran called it. But what about the 1st and 4th Realities? No one ever told her or Mr. Midnight. When they looked for answers, they found them. They couldn't find the 1st Reality but they did find out what the 4th was. A place called Undertale. They went to a mysterious area in Ithersta and found a portal. They went through and instantly fell down a hole. A rabbit hole. When they looked around they were on a bed of golden flowers. And a young girl with a skeleton like boy. The thing was, she wasn't on her pills and Mr. Midnight could see them. They were in Undertale. - But that wasn't the end. When their story ends, a teenage girl's story begins. But where her story ends, the ancestral lineage is revealed to the girl who decides to change, not only hers, but her whole family's story and lives.

1. Falling

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Down The...
by Writer4Fiction