The Four Elements
By MissE33
  • Science Fiction
  • air
  • earth
  • elements
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • fire
  • teen
  • water


What happens when you find out you were an experiment? will you seek your other fellow experiments or play along your "owners" hands Flamon, Fire Element Airyana, Wind Element Earthan,Earth Element and lastly, Oceania, Water Element These elements,who took bodies in human form,were meant to help each other but not to meet each other .Nobody shall know about their true selves except the one created them,Mason Perold and his fellow scientist.They are forbidden to leave their places or to get nearer to each other (For the sake planet). Oxygen is needed for fire, so Airyana is near Flamon... so On.. what happens when they realized the fact that they were made?what happens if they got nearer to each other. Are they going to attract or repel each other? What will happen to the dying planet they were made to save?

How It all started

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The Four...
by MissE33