Breaking Chains
By JKReader
  • Historical Fiction
  • 1800s
  • asylum
  • late
  • romance
  • trapped


She told stories no one wanted to believe. Tales of torture and suffering beyond their comprehension. So she was branded insane and bunched up with the rest of the lunatics and shipped off to be stored in a cold castle full of shackles and screams. There she would be re-educated, taught the proper way to behave, and ridded of her nasty ways. It would be a rough start. Everyone always had rough starts. At first she would fight and scream. But eventually she would see the light and be grateful that she had nurses to throw buckets of cold water on her every time she woke screaming from a nightmare. She would thank the doctors for chaining her to the walls and denying her food when she started to babble nonsense stories. Everyone see's the light. Dr. Roger makes you see the light. *ATTENTION!* If you want cheezy romance where the nerdy girl gets the bad boy or some teenagers wet dream or some erotica novel, then go else where. This is a book!

Dr. Call Me Rogers

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by JKReader