"Darkness threatens to destroy civilization as we know it." In a war, no one is safe. Not the warriors who have trained all their lives, nor the small villages outlining the edge of Avifaunia. Darkness threatens to destroy, leaving nothing in its wake. As winter arrives, the likelihood of survival diminishes to virtually nothing. Starvation, hypothermia, and attacks of the Nightengades leave the populus barren of spirit, watching as the ones they love fall around them. If fate continues on its path, all the Avifaunians will be dead by the first light of spring. Three treacherous months encapsed in darkness is all that stands between the promise of life and the eternal chasm of death. Three months to defeat the rogue army of Nightengades, specialized in the tactics of warfare in darkness and experienced in tundra forest survival. With the odds of success falling out of favor, no one can save them, except thee Queen of the Night.