Doll Face
By ReasonableOne15
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • crazy-phsyco-killing-dolls
  • wattys2016


There is an old saying in the street where Quint lives, and for good reason too. That saying is: Never go in the dollhouse. It is said that there are three girls known as the dolls who live there and that they do things like decorate their walls with blood and at Christmas they hang severed heads off their Christmas trees. Some even say that they use a hand as the star. But the point is, if you meet them, you know you won't be a around for long. And Quint, Quint is an idiot. An idiot that will do anything to impress his friends, but that's only because it's the only way he can keep them. So because of this, he will even accept a dare to run up towards the Dollhouse, and knock on the door. His plan was to run away as soon as he knocked just once. But the door opens to three terrifying faces and six hands pull him inside. The outside world now believes that Quint is a goner. But is he really?

Listen to the Warnings

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Doll Face
by ReasonableOne15