Going against life
By sky01273
  • Romance
  • action
  • cancer
  • life
  • nerveracking
  • romance


Different people feel different things. Some people just are better at covering it up. There could be someone at school who lets say has cancer but doesn't tell anyone. This girl isn't most popular person ever but a lot of people know her. This girl doesn't have a boyfriend but she does have an crush who she's known for a long time ever since she was in preschool. She has a crush on him since 3rd grade but she doesn't think he returns that kind of affection. This girl gave up that crush after 8th grade when going into high school. As she got older her cancer got worse but she didn't want to be different from anyone. However, she can't lie to everyone forever. People always find out what you don't want them to. This girls cancer is getting worse. This girl is running out of time. This girl needs to be honest with everyone else. But little does she know it's to late. This girl has such little time left. This girl, is me. This story is a mix between my life and a little bit of fiction. I don't have cancer but someone in my family has passed away from it. This story is about a girl who is a little older than me but most of the achievements she goes through are the same as me.


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Going aga...
by sky01273