Convoluted Absoluti...
By BangtanKilla
  • Paranormal
  • dark
  • death
  • famine
  • four
  • horseman
  • magic
  • pestilence
  • war


Though she doesn't see it, she's still angry, her focus trained on her unrevealed counterpart. Suddenly the sound of screeching tires makes her head whip to the left, her mouth opening to gasp and she's rooted to the place in fear. It's like time snaps back with a rubber band effect and with that the car slams into her body, lifting her in the air, screams of panic filling the air as onlookers watch the horrific scene. Gravity becomes her enemy as her body falls to the ground, her bones in awkward unnatural angles. Her chest seems sunk in as her ribs are flatten, the ends caved intl her heart and longs, blood flowing from her mouth as she struggles to take a last breath, her eyes glazed over. Then suddenly I'm ripped out of it abruptly, the only reminder of it is a voice.... whispering in my head. Find Her. - Quinton Augustine "Why must I hide myself from the world? I've given up so much, so many opportunities only because of who I am......what I am." -Lexie Myers


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by BangtanKilla