Perks Of Replacemen...
By LightOfCure
  • Short Story
  • lesson
  • life
  • matter
  • science
  • students
  • teacher


"I don't want to be a teacher. Never." But I have been stuck with this replacement teacher job for 4 years when ever I am off from academic classes as a student. It is not that I do not want to be teacher because I think it is a lame job, it just that I believe to be a teacher is such a holly job that one should devoted himself or herself of being one. Being a teacher you have to deal with those kids that some says such a trouble to handle but you know, I find the great treasure when I spend my time teaching them. They are never trouble makers. They are all the beautiful souls that end up teaching me something worth about life. This will be a compilation of my rants regarding my experiences of being a replacement teacher for these years. This rants will be in Bahasa Melayu and little bit of English here and there. Looking forward to rewrite those rants in English soon. Hehe.


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Perks Of...
by LightOfCure