By indannafushia05
  • Action
  • abusers
  • action
  • blood
  • children
  • female
  • fighter
  • fightforsurvival
  • fighting
  • fightingforsurvival
  • fighttothedeath
  • guns
  • isolation
  • kidnaped
  • money
  • pain
  • sexoffenders
  • survival
  • trophy
  • underground
  • victoria
  • victoria-ed
  • wifes


I'm Victoria summers and this is my story. You know when your parents, well the good ones anyways tell you there's a creep around every corner waiting to snatch you up. Well it's true and I learnt that the hard way. Well being a very naive 9 year old, I heard whispers coming from the dark alley and wanted to know where they or what they were coming from. I was grabbed and shoved into a dark black van with a scarf tied over my mouth and arms. We get to big warehouse, I'm shoved into a room with a man and the first thing he said was " you will be trained to fight, to the death. You will then teach other girls that come later what you learnt. You try and escape, and I beat you until your black and blue. Understand?" The mans name was drake fanongla, the owner of the warehouse and boss of the whole operation. The commands (ranking) is first being the with the most kills second-second most kills and so on. They pick up 7-11 year olds off the street because there easy to lure. Your then trained to fight if your good you stay if not you get killed in a fight or you become one of "The Nine" which is pregnant women that they use to get more females to try and make a cycle. So they then don't have to kidnap and get more attention from police, if you have a boy they sell it on the black market. If your over 20 then you can't be a fighter anymore, you have to be one of The Nine, which obviously has more than nine in it.


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by indannafushia05