Love is Always A Hu...
By FromAcetoZ
  • Non-Fiction
  • basketball
  • filipina
  • filipinostory
  • highschool
  • highschoollove
  • life
  • love
  • lovelife
  • slice
  • sliceoflife


"What did I bring myself into?" I ask myself as I pace back and forth. I mentally hit myself. Why did I have to like guys so easily? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid feelings. Well let me introduce myself to you. My name's Elle and this is my love story. I'm a 5"1 cheerleader who's in junior year. Our jocks, AKA varsity players consist of 3 types of sports. Basketball players, which are the hotties and are all the rage in our school, the taekwondo players who aren't really hot but are pretty playboy-ish, and lastly the football players. Not american football. Football as in soccer. Most of them are from the countryside so they have their dialects which I think girls in our school find unattractive. They are irregular students because they have training which is why they are separated from regular students. Why am I telling you all this? Well because I'm dating one of them. Not only that. I've got two other suitors who are varsity players. "So what am I in?" I sarcastically ask. "A love square?"

1₰: It Started Like This....

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Love is A...
by FromAcetoZ