By Jawhariy97
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  • fiction
  • islam
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  • life
  • love
  • poetry


Cover done by : Crazy_lollipop_lover ‼ Kindly mind all grammatical errors. This book was written some time ago. In Shaa Allaah I will get down to editing it. Safwa gazed intently at the crashing waves of the ocean, the way they started off roughly, crashed against each other , as if at war, then aproached her , leaping one after the other as if in a race, then calming down and gently washing over the shore , splashing cool, salty and foamy water around her feet , which were now stretched out in front of her. She curled her toes and sighed in contentment, enjoying the way the water cooled her feet and mind. SubhanAllah every creation of Allah is amazing but, the ocean is just something else..... She had no words to describe it's beauty. She was so lost in her thoughts, staring into the depths of the ocean, that she failed to notice the presence of a certain someone that had been watching her earlier on. "Beautiful isn't it " She broke free from her reverie, startled by a sudden male voice. That voice it sounded so fimliar....it was a distant memory but, she knew that voice very well ....and she hoped she was wrong ......

Chapter 1

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by Jawhariy97