Good Girl, Bad Boys...
By alooohanicki
  • Teen Fiction
  • bad
  • boy
  • flirting
  • girl
  • good
  • lót
  • x21kamikazeee


Justine Williams is a teenager at Red Rock Academy. She is 14 years old and she has the life. Her parents are filthy rich, her Mom is a big time Lawyer and her Dad owns a major Construction company. Her life revolves around her Gymnastics. She is trying to one day go to the National States in Japan. She's a freshmen in High School and when she decides that she needs a change, boys are suddenly lining up in front of her. When she meets a bad boy Logan will Justine end up heartbroken or take the rebound off of Logan's brother, Jodd, who Justine originally like in the first place? Will this bad girl act Justine plays get the boy or boys? Or will it mess up her chance on going to Nationals? This is Good Girl, Bad Boys, and a lot of Flirting.

Good Girl, Bad Boy, and a lot of Flirting. Part 1.

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Good Girl...
by alooohanicki