The Talisman of Elam
By JimMastroII
  • Science Fiction


It was Arthur C. Clarke who said that any sufficiently advanced technology would seem to operate as if by magic, to those who didn't understand it. So it is with the Talics, a set of twelve mysterious and extraordinarily powerful devices left behind by the Hathor, the ancient ancestors of all human civilizations in the galaxy. Eight of the Talics have been claimed, and their Holders have kept peace in the galaxy for thousands of years -- until now. War threatens, and powerful forces have been unleashed. Enter Jason Hunter, a boy whose DNA makes him the likely Holder of the Amulon Talic, the most powerful one of all. In The Talisman of Elam, Jason and his two friends are thrust against their will into a dangerous quest to find the Talic before it is too late. If he can't get a hold of it, the consequences will be horrific. The problem is, touching it could kill him!

The Talisman of Elam - Chapter 1

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The Talis...
by JimMastroII