The Irresistible Wi...
By lightgiver
  • General Fiction
  • drama
  • eiramana325
  • funny
  • handsome
  • homour
  • lightgiver
  • love
  • princess
  • romance
  • ruthless
  • story
  • teenfiction
  • witch
  • wwc2017


All of us are waiting for that special someone to come in our life - our very own prince or princess. But what if instead of a princess, we meet a witch? And what if instead of a handsome prince, we meet a ruthless one? ~♡~♡~♡~ Do you have a plan of when and where you will meet your very own Prince Charming? I'm Dea Valdez, I will meet my prince charming in a very special and magical moment. That's my plan! How about you? What is the probability ratio that you can meet your own ideal prince? 1:10 / 1:1K / 1: 1M / 1:1B? Hmmm... All the Princesses met their own Prince Charmings! How about 1:1? Do you agree? Can you dictate your heart in choosing someone whom it will beat for? Of course you can! Joke! I don't know - I have never been in love and I have never been involved in any romantic relationship in my 19 years of existence on earth! No Boyfriend Since Birth (NBSB)! Did I miss something fun? What if he's way different from your ideal one? That's why you're setting your own criteria. If they didn't pass... cross them out! That's simple! Join Dea in her adventure of finding her own prince charming! I'm sure you will enjoy my company! Hik hik hik hik! Is it worth to wait for him/her?

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The Irres...
by lightgiver