The Nice Dragon
By firekitten66
  • Fantasy
  • dragon
  • dragonsarelife
  • jane
  • nicedragon
  • thedragonkilledhim


Once a girl wanders into a dark gloomy cave exploring to find her only comfort and thing that she felt actually loved her, her cat. This cave was in the woods behind her house. She goes into the cave and finds her cat burning over some flames. She then starts to cry and scream out "why him and not me!", as she screamed that she wanted to get revenge, so she looks at something that resembles a rock and goes behind it to hide. Her plan was to jump on the person who killed her cat and choke them. What she didn't know was that the "rock" was the dragon that killed her cat. She screams and the dragon just says shhhhhhh. And covers her mouth with his tail as her abusive father walks by looking for her screaming for her while drunk. Find out what happens next in the story. Best Place-#312 in Fantasy

|Her Life Before the Dragon|Chapter 1|

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The Nice...
by firekitten66