Trials of Iron and...
By Lexi_The_Literate
  • Fantasy
  • magic
  • monster
  • monstrous
  • rebellion
  • wings


Amara Carver is just a girl who lives above the bakery. During the day, she is quiet and diligent in her work. If you're lucky, she's sometimes even helpful. When the sun lowers, she sets up shop in the underbelly of the city. There, she is known only by the name Mercy, and she is a monster. Mercy is half-Render, a race of creatures who can vanish in the blink of an eye. They have wings made for battle rather than flight, and a hunger for treasure drives their very soul. And people will always pay for that type of power. Unfortunately, every power has its cost. Neither Mercy or Amara can tell a lie. Each sentence is painfully honest whether she wants it to be or not. When she's offered a small fortune to assist in a prison heist, she jumps at the chance. But not everything is as it seems and soon, instead of getting someone out, she's locked in. After deciding not to spend the rest of her life behind bars, she agrees to be a weapon for her captors. She becomes one of the queen's enslaved Gargoyles. Ruthless spies who will always protect the royals. A rebellion is coming. Long live the queen. ** This is a story of war. The beginning, the end, and the people who died to make the middle. This is a story of war's reach. It's story of the everyone who

The Ugly Truths

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Trials of...
by Lexi_The_Literate