Beautiful Parasite...
By Almighty_Emoji
  • Romance
  • blackwoman
  • bwwm
  • interracial
  • jerk
  • millionaire
  • reject
  • romance
  • whitemale
  • wmbw


Contains Rated R scenes. If you want to support my work, this book(With a lot fewer errors lol) is now available on Amazon with all 5 of Anna and jay's bonus chapters. A kind review would help me out even if you don't want to buy it :) Exploring the world of interracial dating and marriages. Not everything is all black and white. The main storyline follows Vanessa, a black business owner on the brink of losing her restaurant to the biggest business around. Her self confidence is crap and she's not as okay as its led to believe. If she cant secure enough money to keep the business afloat she will be obligated to sell. Perhaps Kai can help? Kai is a major...y'know. He cant settle down with one woman for long to save his life. He has this weird belief that all women are money and attention sucking leeches that will only destroy everything you've managed to build. That's why he cant understand why he cant rip his attention off of Vanessa long enough to even get his work done properly. He's well off enough to take care of all of Vanessa's problems obviously, and it doesn't help that he is the heir of the business trying to wipe her restaurant off the map. Problem solved. except for the fact Vanessa would probably chop her own arm off before asking for help form Kai. She would rather do things on her own. Can she take care of her huge responsibility alone? While being constantly chased by the persistent kai powers?

Stairs are hard... (.1)

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by Almighty_Emoji