Dance with Faeries
By MGSchoombee
  • Fantasy
  • arach
  • believe
  • dragons
  • faeries
  • vampires


Are we, as the human race programmed into our beliefs? I'm not talking about religions which in itself is a dangerous topic to discuss. I'm talking about our perceptions of the world around us. Little girls are told from a very early age how to look and what to do to be a beautiful princess. They believe they are. Let's go much further, much deeper. Let's take vampires for example. The first appearance of vampires in literature was in 18th-century poetry. The first novel to appear was Polodori's - The Vampyre in 1819. The vampires of those days were extreme horrors. Evil creatures lurking at night attacking and sucking out the lifeblood of innocent victims. Now in the present day , we have sparkly vampires who want to take brainless girls to bed, ( how does that happen in an undead creature anyway). Now most young girls would like to date a vampire. What happened to the vampire's image. They were taken from evil monsters to possible dates. The human perceptions of them were changed. From horror to acceptance. Now the media is flooded with gorgeous sexy vampires. Acceptable even if they do shine. Slowly more otherworldly creatures are being outed in Hollywood and printed media. Werewolves are not scary creatures howling at the moon. No, they are sensitive, with broken hearts longing to be loved. Who would not accept that. More and more mythical creatures are stepping up. Faeries, trolls, and dwarfs are headlining the movie scene.

Untitled Part 1

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Dance wit...
by MGSchoombee