W O N D E R L E S S...
By r_drzl
  • Fanfiction
  • piercetheveil
  • sleepingwithsirens


~Twisty Spinoff to Bulls In the Bronx~ Ecstasy, a college student, and single daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Willman (desceased), is practically a diverse girl. Loves photography, digs rock n roll to the bone, hardcore gamer, meaning the type of I-will-choke-your-stupid-ass-if-you-kill-me-with-those-weapons and the one to basically.. I don't know, maybe the next big artist. I mean, she has college up in her throat, and she still has second thoughts on everything. With her bestfriend, Evelynda Perry, who in fact, sister of the guitarist Tony Perry of Pierce the Veil, and Mariella Faning, who in fact is afiliated with Bella Darlings, also known as the vocalist of The Pretty Reckless. Ex, (Ecstasy's nickname) is well with contacts, she maybe has her back well secured. But I guess things like that don't matter anymore in the real world. Especially when staying alive is the biggest challenge she will ever encounter.

W O N D E R L E S S (Spinoff to Bulls In The Bronx)

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W O N D E...
by r_drzl