Why Did You Do This...
За xxthornsofthepastxx
  • Фанфіки
  • betrayal
  • classes
  • dates
  • ditching
  • hate
  • heartbroken
  • highschool
  • love
  • romance
  • thesaying
  • thismeanswar


This is a story about the ppgz falling for the rrbz. this is about the emotions;love and hate and the saying "this means war". So the rrbz go to the school of the ppgz but of course they never liked them even though they are flirting with them. Well, you see, they planned to trick the girls into falling for them so they flirt with them go on dates with them and kiss them on the cheeks. And it finally came, one day they tell them it was all a prank so the ppgz are planning to get revenge on them and make them feel that what they did was harsh. So yeah just a silly thing to say but this description has 646 letters..... WHAT AN ACHIEVMENT!!

chapter 1 : highschool

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Why Did Y...
за xxthornsofthepastxx