Can't Be Saved...
By EliseUnique73
  • Fanfiction
  • adoption
  • amazingphil
  • danandphiladopt
  • danhowell
  • danisnotonfire
  • depression
  • family
  • fanfic
  • fanfiction
  • phanfic
  • phanfiction
  • phillester
  • phần
  • selfharm
  • triggerwarnings


(Okay, I know that this has been writing so many times over, but this is my version.) Addi is 14, an orphan and her only role models are Dan and Phil. She has a habit of self-harming. And a voice that makes her do things she doesn't want to do. Then she is adopted by her role models, and her life seems perfect, she's even made some friends. But it all turns dark when her friends have dark secrets of their own and Addi's voice returns. Can she get through this, or is it all coming to a drastic end? (This story will contain some harsher language and self-harm. You have been warned!) I also just want to say that this is the first story I ever completed and at the time it was hard and I was proud of my efforts, but now I hate it and cringe just thinking about it. I hadn't had a plan when writing and just went as I wished to. I won't unpublished this as a basic point to see how far I've come when writing other works, but this isn't something I've continued to be proud of. Get it a shot or don't, it's up to you because I wouldn't say this is awful and you should never read it, but there are better stories out there. Whatever, rant over xx


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by EliseUnique73