The Raven King: A R...
By BloodySir13
  • Adventure
  • action
  • adventure
  • darkfantasy
  • malereader
  • rwby
  • wattys2016


Exiled from their homeland, humans and Faunus alike are forced to adapt to the harsh conditions of the wilds. Some withered in the face of adversity, while others thrived in such dangers. Several clans emerged from the shadows, multiple wolf packs driven by hate and malice; only thing dividing them from providing a true threat being their lack of unity, and true leadership. However, one clan call themselves Black-Talon. Proud, Strong, Vicious, Free. The pillars of their virtues; their strengths, no matter what the kingdoms accomplish to whittle them down, they will lash back with the ferocity of a mother Nevermore. Although, the village is on its tipping point, as it the rest of the world, when their Warchief, a young, strong lad, goes to negotiate with the headmaster of the Kingdom of Vale, for what seemed like an olive branch of peace, though the world got a little more than what they bargained for on that day.

Author's Note: Before we Start

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The Raven...
by BloodySir13