Silver Moon
By eternitykiss1
  • Werewolf


18- year old Alyson Miller goes on vacation with her three best friends to California for the summer, leaving her quiet town behind for the for first time. After three months of soaking in the sun, partying, meeting guys, and a little summer romance, it's time to go home. Little did they know life in Silver Moon, Idaho had changed. There were new hot boys, and snobby yet strong girls in town. They seemed to run the town and had everyone cowering under them. The four girls immediately noticed there was something wrong about this group. Things got even weirder when the four so called leaders of the group were interested in them. With that and the unexplained deaths of many town folk and loved ones, everyone was keeping a dark secret. Determined to find out what happened during those three months they were gone, the girls set out on a dangerous mission involving shock, pain, love and a lot of heartbreak.

Silver Moon

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Silver Mo...
by eternitykiss1