Yours Truly, The Gu...
By GuildOfGraphics
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Come back! We'll call off the party parrots, we swear!!! Ahem...I mean.... We want to get to know more about you guys, and I know you guys want more of this fabulousness. So this is the place where we shall be posting new updates and ideas, and where YOU get to interact with US. Post things that you want to see the Guild do in the future and in return we'll give you guys a say in ....the future. Do you want more contests, do you want sashes, tutorials, how do you think we can humanize this account? (Because face it, we seem like robots to the outside world.) And on our side, we will be releasing some of the crazy ideas we have behind encrypted files. Think of this like a news letter, or one of those calls from a distant planet that tells earth that their space heroes are still alive. Add this book to your library for updates, and whatever else we decide to use this for. Yours Truly, The Party Parrots (NO! NO!) -Yours Truly, The Guild #217 in Non-Fiction: 7/03/16

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Yours Tru...
by GuildOfGraphics