Random Art Notebook...
By WolfOfTheNightSky
  • Random
  • art
  • artist
  • drawing
  • pencil
  • sketch


Warning: this is NOT my current book, and I am no longer updating it. I'm on my third book now, so I will not claim responsibility for any eyebleeding from old art you might see. This is your warning now. Turn back. Haha, you thought that I was going to stop at one! You clod! 200 drawings later, and I'm pretty sure that I've improved. Just a little bit? No? Okay. Fine. I'll warn you, if you want to look at my old book, I won't stop you, but bewarb! (Gravity Falls reference there) There is a lot of old and crappy art in there. Yep. That cover's by me. Don't even ask. His name is Dashingman and he's my child. PLEASE SKIP A BIT FARTHER IN THE BOOK TO AVOID THE CRINGE. SERIOUSLY. I STARTED DOING DIGITAL CRAP NEAR THE END, AND ITS MUCH BETTER. PLEASE. Warning: This book may include: •Too many OC's. •So much Steven Universe. •Lots of Bill Cipher. •Many, many animals. •Wolves. •Odd comics. •Puns. •Like seriously, too many puns. •Dragons galore Also, I'll be following my tradition from the last book. For every thousand reads that I get, I'll post a picture of my cat. Weird, I know. That's just how I roll! I'll warn you, my art style is either cartoony or partially realistic. Sometimes a mix of the both. Another warning: I draw legs too long. People always say to me: "You draw really long legs!" Or "That person you drew's legs are too long!" Or, my personal favourite, "Wolves' legs aren't that long!" I'll tell you now. I CAN'T HELP IT. IT'S THE CURSE OF THE TIMELORDS. Well, maybe not Timelords, but the curse of the terrible artists. You get the gist. I really hope that you like my second art book! As I said earlier, I've really improved, and I'm still improving to this day. So stick around, because eventually I'll become good at this thing that you humans call 'art!'

Mega Fail Wolf

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Random Ar...
by WolfOfTheNightSky