The forest fic - Co...
By beingisbelieving
  • Fanfiction
  • fanfiction
  • joshdun
  • joshler
  • theforestfic
  • tylerjoseph


This is kind of like my interpretation of what happens in... Let's call it part two of the forest fic. At the start, I will change the ending a bit to make my part two. I'm sorry in advance for any mistakes or typos and if you for some odd reason feel like publishing this on your account, please either give me credit or at least say that it isn't your story. I hope you like it and I'll try my best to have it make sense. Also, I have a few ideas to maybe continue this further so comment if you would like for me to add/publish them or not and don't forget to vote and maybe even recommend it to your friends if you think that they would like this. - Carter

Different ending

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The fores...
by beingisbelieving