Matthew Houston. At the young age of 6, he got lost while exploring the vast Minnesota woods. Ten years later, he returns to his backyard... his old backyard. Throughout his time in the woods, Matthew constructs survival skills beyond those of any other man, in his town at least. Without human contact for a decade, he is challenged when he returns to him home, than is now someone else's. Cathryn and Marco Thompson, as well as their parents are from California. They came to Minnesota due to job opportunities. They move into a semi-large house on Elkwood Street, the very house the happened to be previously owned by the Houston family. Due to circumstances, Matthew is brought to know the Thompsons, but with a lack of human interaction skills, he is awkward and very rough. He doesn't know how to react when Cathryn hugs him after hearing his story, so he pushes her away. With growing emotions and possible one-sided feelings, Matthew Houston pushes everyone away... for the time being.