Perfect Chemistry
By naichag
  • General Fiction
  • babymama
  • drama
  • enemies
  • fight
  • illness
  • love


Gaby was that seventeen years old girl who has known nothing in life other than pain. Well, not until her boyfriend Mike came in the picture. Gaby fall deeply in love with him. She chose him over her family and everyone else, even though he was bringing her more problems than the ones she already had. But, the fairytale ended when he cheated on her. She ended up homeless and heartbroken. The only option she had left involved her having to deal with the guy she couldn't stand the most. When this guy ended up to be totally different from what she expected, Gaby opened her heart again to fall in love. Hopefully, she would not have to regret it later, since there's so many secrets hidden behind the handsome face of Mr. Popular. Cashmere, in the other hand, is feeling for Gaby things that are unusual. But, could-he risk his life and the ones of his family by trusting Gaby with his biggest secret? Could Gaby stay with someone who doesn't trust her? Are-they going to have the Perfect Chemistry?


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Perfect C...
by naichag