Oliver Stone and th...
By MarkWilliamScott
  • Teen Fiction
  • book
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • friends
  • funeral
  • journey
  • story
  • teen


I'd like to take a few moments of your time to explain a little bit behind the reason for this story coming about. You see, going back what must be two years now when my life had taken a somewhat drastic downwards spiral, at the same time I had a friend whom was also suffering from a life changing dilemma, and one that was far worse than my own. Her young cousin, whose name I shall not reveal out of respect to her and her family, suffered from a terminal illness and was at that time moving into a children's hospice where she would spend her final days. How heartbreaking this was and must have been to my friend at the time. I made myself immediately available to be there for her and help her to get through this long and dark road we both found ourselves to be walking. During my hours alone in my room, I would spend most of my time writing stories, though I had never once finished a single one. This was only because as each story would progress I would eventually, without fail find something that was not right with it. I became frustrated and overworked myself, only increasing the stress I became under. That all changed as I thought of my friends cousin, how terrible a place she was in, though the hospice itself was perfect for her, it made me sad that she could not simply escape to a place where she did not have to fear what she already knew, but could be free to explore the unknown. That is when I thought of Atoria, the very place that she could go and be whatever it was that she wanted to be. I created this world for her, but also found myself being drawn into the story. Writing these words had a massive impact on my life and has helped to shape me into the person I am today. And so, I can only dedicate this poem to her. For this world was made for her.

Oliver Stone and the Tale of the Devil's Rose

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Oliver St...
by MarkWilliamScott