He Became The Unima...
By LilyGraceRose
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • abuse
  • domesticabuse
  • domesticviolence
  • fiction
  • hate
  • love
  • passion
  • romance
  • sexualabuse
  • sexualassault
  • teen
  • teenfiction
  • thriller
  • violence


"I awaken to a searing pain in my throat. I place my hands on my neck as I gasp for the air I have been deprived of for so long. My vision is blurry and unclear, but I can remember what happened earlier this evening. Why I'm lying on the floor battered and bruised in the moonlit darkness. My vision stars to clear as I begin to recognise the objects around me. I'm still in the same place where he left me, where he constricted my neck like a python suffocates its prey. Where he could have killed me." * * * Sienna finds herself tortured, threatened and abused by the man she once loved. Everyday has become a living, breathing nightmare that she's trying so desperately to escape. Follow Sienna through her lowest moments and see the possible future she could have if she manages to combat Leo's damaging persona. What's waiting on the horizon for the girl who's been deprived of love for so long? *WARNING* This book contains graphic violent, abusive and sexual scenes. Recommended reading age 15+ | Highest Rank: #24 in Mystery/Thriller |

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He Became...
by LilyGraceRose