From a Girl's...
By Meglovestoread
  • Teen Fiction
  • from-a-girls-mind
  • lucas
  • romance
  • sophia


“How could she do that?” “OMG, he’s so adorable. I wonder he’ll ask me.” “Mila’s such a bitch.” “I don’t know why they behave like that with me. I hate my parents.” These were the thoughts brimming inside Sophia’s mind; those weren’t related to her at all, just random thoughts of people which surrounded her for the thirty to forty feet area. She just cursed under her breath at first but now she was much accustomed to her life. She can read people thoughts. Not a typical person. Her life was a mess. She couldn’t even eat, drink, study, sleep without the intervention of what the people around her were thinking at the same time they were talking. But with that came also the benefits; she could relate to a person without even striking a conversation with them; she could save a numerous lives, only if she wanted to and was an asset to the world if she put it to good well of people. But she hated it more than love it. She cursed her powers and wished she never had that but soon it all changed when Lucas arrived in her life. She, however, has maintained to become oblivious to the distracting thoughts over the years with practice and patient. And it was easy for her too but it wouldn’t be possible for just any other child of her age and she guessed that is the reason she was gifted with it. She was a scholar too, straight A’s reflected all over her mark sheets. She was just perfect until her 16th birthday which turned her life into a series of unfortunate events which she always regret but still there was a part of her which always enjoyed this kind of a thrilling assignment as if she could really live her life she felt alive. She never wanted to lose her gift though but always wanted to find a way to control it which she eventually found later on by just simply ignoring them. So here goes a not so unique-but-normal-not-so-normal story of Sophia…

Chapter 1 :

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From a Gi...
by Meglovestoread