Sea Azul
By Carlsjr681
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • fighting
  • land
  • mermaid
  • romance
  • war


20 years ago, after the nuclear war the Earth became so polluted that the air was no longer safe to breathe. Five years and three billion breathing related deaths later two scientists Rachel Anderson and Ryan Johnson came up with a solution. The solution was to live under the water. Three years later they found a way to help people live under water: they would use a surgical procedure to turn them into something that could survive in the ocean: mermaids. So now the scientists are still experimenting on how to create the perfect mermaid. That's where I come in. I've been prodded, poked, experimented on, and tortured my whole life. So far I have a mermaid tale where my legs should be and gills inserted in the side of my neck. I can breathe in water and on land but I can't walk. The scientists have had me since I was born. I don't know if my parents gave me up, if I was taken forcibly, or even if I was born out of a test tube, but I do know this: I have to get out of this place.


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Sea Azul
by Carlsjr681