Never Let Me Go
By pluto98
  • Teen Fiction
  • drama
  • friendship
  • love
  • neverletmego
  • teenfiction


In my life there are 3 things guaranteed to happen. At first I was disappointed but now I'm not. The first thing is I'm EVERYONES go to person for advice when they have a problem. That I don't have a problem about, I love giving people advice. My problem is when I have a problem no one is there for me. They all leave only to come back for help until someone new and fresh comes along. The second thing is, I get attached to easy and everyone in my life leaves me. It started when I was 10 and my father left. He left my mum and me for a woman 3 years younger then my mum, with 4 kids and no class but she follows his rules and 'loves' him until the money runs out. Krystal and I have never gotten along and I hate her kids. I was to young to truely understand why he left and thought it was because he didn't 'love us anymore' I later found out when I was 13 that he cheated on my mum and went to what he thinks is the 'fresher' version of my mum. The third thing is, I can't trust people. If I do let someone in and trust them it all turns sour and again, they leave and I'm shattered. Maybe I'm the problem? That's about to change. Alley is the girl that hurts but always smiles, is slowly breaking but always fixes things. What happens when the boy next door is already broken and finds he needs Alley to heal him? What happens when Alley realises he is the one to fix her? Will it end in disaster and tears or will it end in a love story never to be broken and always to be lived? This is Alley and Luke's story and their only ask is "To Never Let Me Go" SLOW UPDATES, SHORT CHAPTERS

Fair warning

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Never Let...
by pluto98