High School Experie...
By SingingRaven
  • Adventure
  • crushes
  • high
  • school
  • teen


High school..... It is usually stero-typed to be the worst years of your life or the beginning of a person's drinking problem... For Cassie Daniels, it was neither, she was just a quiet girl yet popular in her own group of friends. Most people didn't recognize her unless they knew her, for she was someone who people could easily forget. But during her freshman year, one boy noticed her, and did not forget her. Cassie meets all kinds of different people, has different experiences, and goes on a roller coaster full of hormones just during her first year of high school. ******** "Can you promise me one thing?" "What?" "If you ever want to leave my life just tell me, don't make me figure it out on my own. Please promise me that?" "I promise. Because I won't ever leave you."

Chapter 1 ~ "I just want to fit in"

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High Scho...
by SingingRaven