I Am Not the Last A...
By meeko228
  • Fanfiction
  • aang
  • air
  • airbender
  • airships
  • appa
  • avatar
  • bend
  • chase
  • control
  • conversation
  • crush
  • deep
  • dragon
  • dragons
  • drama
  • earth
  • ember
  • eyes
  • falling
  • feelings
  • fire
  • firenation
  • flashback
  • flying
  • forest
  • island
  • jaacob
  • jalia
  • jay
  • journal
  • katara
  • kingdom
  • kioka
  • lasso
  • last
  • macco
  • masters
  • mongoose
  • mum
  • nation
  • ocean
  • rain
  • rope
  • run
  • running
  • self
  • slovono
  • southern
  • stones
  • sword
  • teenagers
  • tribe
  • volcano
  • water
  • waterbender
  • waterbending
  • weakness
  • words


Strong-spirited wild child Jalia, who loves nothing better than to tease her best friend, Macco, is the daughter of Katara, a waterbending legend, and Aang, the current Avatar. That's a lot to live under the shadow of. Not to mention the fact that she didn't give their parents what they wanted: an airbender. Instead, she's just a boring old waterbender who will never be as great as her mum. It seems all is lost for her parents and the nonexistent airbender population until six years after Jalia arrives, they have a baby boy who has a way with the wind. And with him comes a change in the relationship between Jalia and her parents. It’s not long before Jalia decides to set off on her own like her Mum and Uncle Sokka once did, with the company of Macco, of course. As if the spirits hadn’t seen it coming, the two of them cause quite a lot of trouble before discovering an undercover plot has been brewing for years. They’re in deep enough already, but it’s not just their safety that’s on the line now, but the peace of the Four Nations comes to rest in their hands. Nothing like trusting the fate of the world to a of couple teenagers. Jalia’s known for her determination and perseverance, though. And she and her friends, new and old, will stop at nothing to save the world they call home. --- Fanfic of: Avatar: the Last Airbender I do not own the rights to some characters, the setting, or the cartoon. But many characters and the plot are my own.

Chapter One

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I Am Not...
by meeko228