Roommates with the...
By lizziebee1
  • Teen Fiction


My heart stopped as my body plowed into his. I fell to the ground as let out a grunt of pain as he growled down at me. "Watch it nerd." He said angrily as he brushed passed me without helping me up or saying sorry. "You have eyes dickhead. Why don't you watch it?" I snapped at him angrily before thinking. But I didn't regret it, I don't let people talk to me like that. Not even that Greek god. "You better watch it Princess. I can make your life a living hell." He said as he slowly turned back around to me. "I'd like to see you try." I replied as I rolled my eyes and pulled my self up. I really wish I hadn't said that. Seeing as now he's my roommate. Ellison Ford AKA El, isn't your normal nerd, she's smart, feisty, stubborn, sarcastic and surprisingly beautiful, not that shed ever admit it, but she hates attention. She keeps a low profile and her life is perfectly fine with the few friends she has. Aiden Ryder is your typical bad boy, hot, a player, mysterious, and doesn't care about a thing. Especially not pesky little nerds like El, but things change... When Aidens parents leave to Haiti on an extended mission trip he moves in the Fords. Trouble is on its way. Roadtrips. Sneaking out. Partie. Brownies. And lots of confusion, can these two ever be friends? And if so, can they be more?

Roommates with the Bad Boy

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by lizziebee1