Love of Machines -A...
By KingTrashLord
  • Fanfiction
  • bumblebee
  • cars
  • damian
  • judy
  • ron
  • sam
  • transformers


Damian Scotts is Sam Witwicky's best friend. Damian has grown up with Sam since he was little and he's acted like the older brother figure for Sam even though they're the same age. Damian was there when Sam tried out for the football team and failed greatly and has been there with a wrench in hand to protect the young Witwicky from bullies like the oh so obnoxious Trent. Now Damian is with Sam when he gets his first care and his massive love for machines and technology has huge impact on the way he works. when he realizes Sam's car is an Alien Damien practically falls head over heels and wants nothing more than to get closer to the young bot and his companions. Warning: mech x mech pairing (Bee x Damian) violence, foul language Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers and yes there is direct diolouge from the first movie, it's because I have the dvd and can use subtitles~

Love of Machines -A transformers fanfiction-

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Love of M...
by KingTrashLord