My High School Wife
By iAltoSax
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • friendship
  • highschool
  • jealousy
  • obsessed
  • obsession
  • shortstory
  • teenagers
  • twist
  • yandere


Rated M for slight blood and suicidal content. Only slightly. Have you ever loved a fictional character so much that you wished they were real? If you were given a vile of liquid that was rumored to grant your wish would you drink it? Josh is in love with a fictional, Yandere character named Yuki who is the love interest of the main character in an animated otome game turned television show called My High School Wife. His obsession with the main character is out of control according to his friends. When an opportunity presents itself to wish his yandere to life, Josh takes it in a heart beat. But things go terribly wrong and Josh finds out the true meaning of 'be careful what you wish for.'

My High School Wife

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My High S...
by iAltoSax