The Mystery of the...
By EvaMaxwell8
  • Paranormal
  • amustread
  • complicated
  • fiction
  • interesting
  • tragic


The story of a girl who wanted to give her powers up and become normal.....but loses her loved ones in the process. Main characters: Eva Rayer, Sparanos Mesconvure, Morion cassidy......... The story sets on the view of a fine building, just then a brunette walks out (Eva). Eva is an eighteen year old who was bitten by a laurd (combo of a vampire, warewolf, and a white eagle) ten years ago and now she wants to give up the powers that an evil laurd had given her. This is Eva's first day in her new school where she hopes to find a better future. Morion walks in,freightening Eva. *morion:hey im morion cassidy, nice to meet you. (Smiling) *Eva: am Eva rayer (nervously). *morion:I can tell you're frightened I'm sorry. *Eva: yeah I am (keeps walking) *morion:ok lemme show u around. *Eva: sure ok.(they leave) Later that day after school Eva is having a conversation with her trainer Sparanos who also happens to be a laurd and her best friend. To be continued. ..

The mystery of the untold

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The Myste...
by EvaMaxwell8