Badass Karma
By abhi_shek1994
  • Short Story
  • habits
  • humour
  • inspiration
  • justwriteit
  • karma
  • life
  • motivation
  • personality
  • success


Believe in Karma? No? Don't worry. You will get answers to all your questions. All your doubts about any supreme power or mystical forces will vanish. You should give it a try. After all that's what we have learnt in our lives, trying & trying and more trying. This is an attempt to explain the most popular queries people have, in a lucid and logical manner. So please dont expect any literary masterpiece. It's not some sort of 'to-do' lists or any motivational publication. Rather it's a light hearted, yet very assimilating content with examples and explanations. The release of this ebook is demand based, releasing one chapter at a time. Any suggestions/criticism are highly welcomed. You'll love it! Learn why something happens from the eyes of a rational person. Your life is going to transform! This is written from the prospective of Karma as a first person(our protagonist). Tick, Tick, Tick...still waiting....!

Hello this is Karma!

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Badass Ka...
by abhi_shek1994