The Werewolf Heir
By CatMaster17
  • Werewolf
  • abuse
  • dragons
  • fantasy
  • friendship
  • mates
  • werecats
  • werewolf
  • witches


*Book 3 of Reuniting The Council Series* Maya once was a slave to rogues, all her life in fact. But one day that all changed. The day that Crystal showed up, taking Maya away from her horrible life. Crystal takes Maya on a journey, keeping who she really was a secret. And keeping on the move the whole time a secret also. Little taste of the book :)~~~Walking down several halls, I finally come to the metal door of the dungeons. Walking through, power flows off of me in waves of bone chilling darkness, all of those pathetic little prisoners cower away back into the corners of their cells like smart little rats, except two. "I will never bow to you ever again!" Yells Maya. "Neither will I!" Shouts Crystal Chuckling, "Well sooner or later, little heirs. You will bow to me. It may not be today, possibly not even tomorrow, but you never know. My methods are extremely effective. Especially when it comes to such...breakable little participants. I'm sure you'll both be more than willing." I give them a toothy grin, oh how I can't wait to hear their screams, the cracking of their bones, the dripping of their blood as they submit and remember who is truly in charge of this world. Of them. "I WILL NEVER BOW TO YOU! YOU SICK BASTARD! LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO YOUR OWN BROTHER! HE'S ON HIS DEATHBED! RIGHT AS WE SPEAK! WE'VE ESCAPED YOUR MEN AND WE CAN DO IT AGAIN!" Crystal full on screams out at me, close to tearing her throat raw from shouts.~~~ What is Crystal keeping a secret? But the real question is, who is Maya? She has no last name, so who is her family? Where will their adventures take them? You never know until the end. Don't be surprised if their comes a twist plot! :D This series will go between different super naturals views. Through there journeys until the last book which, I wont uncover until later on.


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The Werew...
by CatMaster17