Taking Back Zephoria
By LanieRach
  • Teen Fiction


When The Conflict threatened to destroy Zephoria, a land filled with peace, all it's people fled to a land called Earth. Earth was a place where no magic existed and peace came at a heavy price. Being born on Earth by two of the most powerful fairies to ever live, Hennadrie is the Zephorians only hope of returning home and restoring peace back to their homeland. When her mother discovers that The Conflict is giving their identities away to a Secret U.S. Government Agency and that they are now out to capture them and take their powers, she tells six year old Hennadrie one important thing, "Run!" Now, ten years have passed and with her 17th birthday only months away, she travels Earth in search for her Zephorian army. Her Mission: Take back zephoria. But, if shes being hunted by two different groups that are clearly set on either killing or capturing her, will she be able to save her homeland of Zephoria?


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Taking Ba...
by LanieRach