Disarm Me With Your...
By INeedYourSkull18
  • Fanfiction
  • elf
  • fae
  • fairy
  • fan
  • fanfiction
  • fiction
  • hobbit
  • legolas
  • lord
  • lordoftherings
  • love
  • oropher
  • rings
  • silmarillion
  • story
  • thehobbit
  • thranduil
  • tolkien


Amillyse was raised in the forest of Greenwood the great by her mother an elf of Doriath and her father a fae. When her parents were killed in a battle with orcs, an unlikely friend comes into her life to care for her... The one who cares for her can't be around forever. When everyone who cares for you is taken away, how can you find will to let someone into your heart again. Thranduil is a king who's heart has been torn too many times for repair. With only his son to put his life into, can he find the heart to care for someone who can see through his mask? (This is such a terrible description I promise its not that corny omg)

Chapter One

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Disarm Me...
by INeedYourSkull18