The end... is just...
By RuePrimrose9
  • Fanfiction
  • freethelgbt
  • jace
  • phần
  • youtube
  • youtubers
  • zombies


YouTube... It is a part of these four peoples lives. They eat, breath and sleep it... So what will they do when they lose it? Jade and Jack had just got together. (JACE) They had their lives sorted and everything was looking up... Till Jack got bit. It happened so fast. No one knew what was going on. That is until he tried to bite Jade's arm off, narrowly missing her... She was trapped in a room with him. He's going to lunge again. Will she be so lucky next time? And what will happen to her sister? Her partner on the channel... Dan and Phil have been engaged secretly for over a month now and they are finally going to get married... or at least they were, until someone decided to gate crash. They started eating all the guests and the buffet table was right there in front of them! This story is a collaboration with @BecauseJaspar

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The end...
by RuePrimrose9