The Third Sister
By Huggy3516
  • Fanfiction
  • girlmeetsworld
  • hart
  • livandmaddie
  • livrooney
  • lolden
  • lucaya
  • maddierooney
  • maya
  • miggie


What if the Rooney twins were actually triplets, we'd just never heard about the third, not helga the scary crazy girl from Halloween but another, one who had been sent to boarding school in New York as a child, a smart girl accepted into Einstein academy for geniuses, what if she finally came home and had to try and adjust to life back at home, her friends all still in New York, getting along with her sisters wasn't as easy as she'd thought, they'd almost forgotten her, gotten used to it being just he two of them and a few misunderstandings later shed made enemies of the two girls she'd thought would always be her closest friends? Her whole family had themselves a new life without her, she felt like she didn't exist, can she find a way to make it work or will she just run back to New York the first chance she gets? Read on to find out xoxo

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The Third...
by Huggy3516