Strip My Heart
By Feline_Fan
  • Romance
  • cheating
  • druguse
  • manxman
  • pain
  • pornstar
  • rejection
  • romance


*Continuance of "Good Boy" But can be read independently* Connor Briggs never had to want for anything. Wealthy, intelligent, and attractive, he was set up for success. He's sure he's finally found love with an ex-escort, porn star, much to his parent's dismay. Connor fights to get his sub accepted by his family while trying to keep his own problems under wrap. As their relationship develops Connor finds it hard to accept what Rhylie wants to do, as well as his obvious drug habits. Rhylie McGall knows he's falling in love and it terrifies him. He buries himself in his work, using drugs to take the edge off the pain caused by the blatant rejection by Connor's family which opens old wounds. When an old face resurfaces in Rhylie's life, they both feel the strain and wonder if their bond is strong enough to take it. If their relation is going to work they will both need to strip their hearts of the guards they've placed. *Warning: manxman, strong sexual content, mature language, drug use, and possible triggers.* **On Hold**

r h y l i e : a c t i o n !

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Strip My...
by Feline_Fan