An Angels Fate
By foxy1209
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Cursed. Thats what I was. Cursed to be dark. I wasn't always like this. I used to be light. But one mistake cost me everything. I lost everything to the dark as it sucked me in. A dark that can't be broken. I was cursed to be what I am. Darkness was my ally. I was darkness. Afterall, I am a dark angel. Not the angel you think of being sweet with beautiful white feathers and golden hair. Well, maybe that was me. A long time ago. Now I have been changed, to well, quiet the opposite. I watched my feathers slowly began to darken. I watched my hair darken too. I watched as all thoughts turned evil and cruel. Then watch as I killed my first innocent victim. Soon it turned into more as blood fell around my feet. I didn't want this. But I couldn't help as darkness took over me. I was sucked too far in it to know any better. The people couldn't help it either. I was cursed with looks that could kill, quiet literally. I was cursed to lead them to their deaths. And cursed enough to lead them to it. I seemed innocent but wasn't. Fate obviously hated me. Enough to taunt me with a mate. One i shouldn't take. I knew I'd kill him. It was fate screwing with me and my emotions. I was to dark though, to know that maybe, just maybe, fate was saying 'I'm sorry'. But that isn't how life works, well not mine. So I watched as I pulled the knife to his throat. But I couldn't do it. Fate wanted him there to fool with me. She wanted me to suffer. So I ran. Away from him. But he found me. He didn't understand it was for his own good. I fought against him knowing that after I got attatched, hed leave. But I didn't know he was my light in the darkness. That he could save me. That maybe fate actually was saying 'I'm sorry'. Or maybe fate didnt have anything to do with it. maybe I actually cared about this man. Maybe I had feelings. Maybe i was the one who stopped the knife, but what dark angel had feelings? I was cursed to the darkness after all. but maybe fate can change her mind like I did.

An Angels Fate

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An Angels...
by foxy1209