Silent Love
By SassyOne1999
  • Romance


Andrew Gaerret is a strange guy. He drinks and smokes daily but when he's away from all that he's a completely different person. He goes from a loud and crazy drunk to a sensitive guy who draws and writes poetry. But his mother can't deal with his bad side. So, she completely disowned him because she felt like a failure every time he did something wrong. Soon he has to move in with the Co-Chief of Police. Greattt. There are tons more rules than Andrew imagined, and in the whole "speech" the cop gave him, not once did he tell Andrew about his daughter. In fact, Andrew didn't even know Kara existed until he moves in. But when he does meet her, Andrew changes in ways he would never have dreamt of. And that's perfectly okay with him.

Silent Love

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Silent Lo...
by SassyOne1999